
Mosta Secondary School

The Site where teachers, students and Parents meet.


October 2015

Ċelebrazzjoni Jum Dun Karm

Nhar it-Tnejn 19 t’Ottubru 2015 fl-iskola tagħna ġie ċċelebrat jum il-poeta nazzjonali tagħna Dun Karm Psaila.

Waqt l-assembly ta’ filgħodu ttellgħet preżentazzjoni qasira mill-istudenti. Kelly Marie Bond ppreżentat power point fuq ħajjet Dun Karm filwaqt li Laura Mercieca u Sarah Gauci qraw il-bijografija tiegħu. Żewġ studenti oħra Justine Borg u Amy Scicluna qraw il-poeżiji Warda u Nar tat-Tiben. Din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni għalqet bid-daqq tal-innu nazzjonali .

Grupp ta’ studenti tat-tielet sena ħadu sehem fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni nazzjonali li saret f’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ f’ġieħ Dun Karm. Hawn inqraw xi siltiet mix-xogħlijiet ta’ Dun Karm u saru diskorsi qosra minn bosta mistednin distinti. Wara l-istudenti ħadu sehem f’koreo sal-monument ta’ Dun Karm u poġġew fjuri f’isem l-iskola tagħna. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni għalqet bi żjara fil-kappella taċ-ċimiterju ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ fejn jinsab midfun Dun Karm.

Jekk trid tara r-ritratti mur fuq din il-paġna.

Sunday’s Gospel

Some of our readers have asked for some help with the subject of Religion. Well here it is! Please keep writing..we wish to update our blog regularly!

Explanation of Sunday’s Gospel:

For teenagers (both in English and in Maltese);

For Adults (You tube video in Maltese);

Readings for the Sunday Mass:

In Maltese:

In English:


In Maltese (OLD Testament) / (New Testament)

In English.

In Italian.

Vatican II Documents:

In Maltese.

In English (or other languages)

For other links dealing with different subjects, please click on the Links according to subjects Page.


Will books be popular in the future?

We are used to writing and reading comments on our smart phones, social media etc…that maybe the temptation is, if we should get rid of books after all. Well, when we talk or discuss, we discover that there are so many sides of any argument. How can one express himself in just a few phrases when explaining some deep thoughts or explaining how things work? A book is still the best answer for educational or other questions.

Obviously besides flipping the pages of a book, nowadays there is the soft copy version where one can download an e-book on his smart phone, tablet or pc. It is more portable and maybe more convenient to some. In the epub (electronic format of a book) form, one can actually jot down notes, highlight and look for explanation of difficult words. In some classes abroad, the teacher asks for all the students to write their comments on their e-copy and to pass them on so at the end they form up a unique copy of the book: the written version plus all students’ notes, comments, questions about the book!! One tiny detail is that the teacher can check if they have truly read the book or not..and how many times they have accessed their textbook!

Some students have asked for help regarding printed (hard copy) books and online ones. Well thanks to today’s technology we can supply lots of sites. Just click on books.

Our ‘new’ Sports Ground

We are becoming aware the sports activities in a school are becoming more important especially for health reasons, besides other reasons. Our school, this year has done a positive step forwards to encourage students to take part in sports activities.  Have a look at our Sports Ground.

Message from the Head of School

It is with great pleasure that I am writing this address to launch a re-invigorated school website. We all know how important it is for organisations, no less schools, to have a website for all the world to access. Besides giving basic information, we envisage this website to be the showcase of our life at school, the activities, students’ talents, the achievements and the challenges, thus enhancing the school ethos. It is also our wish that the website would serve as a link between teachers, students and parents whereby important information is shared. I thus urge all stakeholders to keep in touch with our website.

I must heartfully thank Mr Daniel Bartolo, the new webmaster, who has worked very hard to put up a new, fresh, and easy to navigate website.

Best wishes to all at this beginning of scholastic year 2015-2016.

Head of School

Ms. L. Deguara

Ms L. Deguara



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